Poster Presentation New Zealand Association of Plastic Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting

Livedo reticularis in burns: a case study and literature review" (1550)

Jessica Papali'i-Curtin 1 , Lindsay Damkat-Thomas 1 , Richard Wong She 1
  1. Middlemore Hospital, Auckland, AUCKLAND, New Zealand


Livedo reticularis is a condition mostly seen in the lower limbs whereby blood flow to the skin is disturbed by vascular spasm with subsequent perfusion and oxygen tension consquences (1). There are no case histories in the English literature of patients with livedo reticularis and cutaneous burns.

We present a case of a scald burn in a 47yo female with a background of levido reticularis, immune thrombocytopenia, hyperthyroidism and smoking. The initial clinical diagnosis of a superficial to mid-dermal burn wound progressed over a period of a week to become a full-thickness burn requiring skin grafting. This case highlights the significant effect of levido reticularis in burn depth progression and the need to adjust burn wound management if present.

  1. 1. Ngan, V., de Menezes, S. and Oakley, A. DermNet. [Online] 2016.